Awaken Your True Self
Access your Authentic Power & Live a Truly Inspirational Life!
Access your Authentic Power & Live a Truly Inspirational Life!
Caught up in the demands of day-to-day living, it is common to neglect your connection with your True Self. However, each of you brings your own unique gift to the world along with a sacred duty to fulfill its promise. The key is to move beyond self-imposed limitations, tap into your higher self, and awaken to who you truly are.
Join Trina Finch Goodman for an uplifting, transformational and highly experiential program on how to live the life you were born to live.
- A new way of understanding the world and your place in it
- How to integrate and balance the Body • Mind • Spirit connection
- A clear understanding of your core story and how it may be blocking your potential for success and happiness
- Seeing the obstacles on your path with specific and proven methods to move beyond them
- Powerful techniques to keep you moving forward on the path of self discovery and awakening your true self
- A triumphant return to self love, self worth and self respect
- A sense of inner peace you may not have experienced in years
Next EIGHT-Week Group Program Beings Thursday, May 9, 2024!
- BONUS: One-on-One Integration Call Once Course Is Complete ($250 value)
What People Are Saying About
Awaken Your True Self
“A life changing experience…. I received more knowledge and wisdom and benefit from those sessions taen I have had in 14 years of off and on counseling. The “wow moments” were endless and I’m excited about living my new life of cause and response-ability. Thank-you for giving me the courage, respect, wisdom and love to enter into the process of loving and admiring myself!”
— Lauren
“In a loving, peaceful, painless, joyous way, we were led on a journey to our True Self. We were guided to face our fears, our insecurities and our underlying issues about anger, resentment and guilt. The course also helped me identify what I needed to work on in order to be in harmony with my soul’s purpose. After completing the course, I feel empowered to reach my goals and love my greatness.”
— Jacquie